Lucky Mojo Anointing & Conjure Oils

Made the way they were made in your Grandma's day!
by Cat Yronwode

Cat Yronwode developed Lucky Mojo Southern Hoodoo style anointing oils. Her oils are made with genuine roots, herbs, and minerals. These oils are used to dress offertory candles, anoint the body, and sprinkle on amulets and conjure hands.
There are no guarantees that Lucky Mojo magical anointing ritual oils will draw money, luck, or love to you, what we can say with confidence, is that you will experience the quality between Lucky Mojo dressing oils and other hoodoo oils sold by the large companies. These Anointing Oils contain genuine herbs, minerals and herbal essential oils, not synthetic fragrances.

Magic Visions Manifest brings a  personal selection of Cat Yronwode's enchanting anointing oils. available in 1/2oz. glass bottle.
Attraction Anointing Oil 

The choice of many! Allow your intentions and desires to be drawn to you like a magnet. Money, Love, Luck, Success, the sky's the limit ATTRACTION works! Its lovely scent is an old hoodoo oil formula with Cinnamon, Pyrite, and Calamus Root, plus other herbs and essences.

Attraction Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-ATTR :: $8.00 ........


Blessing Anointing Oil

Prayer is a strong force united with Blessing Oil can be used to enhance clear intention, to bless a baby or child, new ventures, purify self and home. relieve suffering from a troubled mind or body.

Blessing Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-BLES :: $8.00 .........

Crown of Success Anointing Oil

Many people anoint the head with this for financial, school, or career success. when taking tests, submitting resumes, going for interviews, asking for raises, or speaking in public, and we hope they may help you too." .

Crown of Success Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-CROW :: $8.00 ........
Chuparrosa (Hummingbird) Anointing Oil

Used for love and luck --creating a sincere and lasting love.
Chuparrosa (Hummingbird) Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-CHUP :: $8.00 .........

John the Conqueror Root Anointing Oil
(aka :: High John)

High John the Conqueror root is one the most traditional of all hoodoo formulas. Popular staple of African-American folk magic it signifies power and prosperity to many. It is used to anoit mojo hands, amulets, dressing offertory candles, with the intention for drawing Luck, gaining Mastery & Courage, and strengthening Male Nature. Contains genuine John the Conqueror Root.

John the Conqueror Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-JOHN :: $8.00 ......

Money Drawing Anointing Oil

Money Drawing is an old hoodoo formula for generations with a special herb and mineral blend designed with intention to attract abundance, wealth, and riches. Money Drawing formula ingredients include Cinnamon, Pyrite, and Bayberry

Money Drawing Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-MONE :: $8.00 .........
Prosperity Anointing Oil

Prosperity an old hoodoo formula designed with the intention to increase life-long success, whether it be financial comfort or general good luck for a better life.

Prosperity Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-PROS :: $8.00 ........
Road Opener Anointing Oil

Road Opener is a powerful spiritual aid when embarking upon new ventures. Used by those who wish to bust through and clear away remnants of past blocked conditions or obstacles opening the way for new opportunities and creating clarity for a better future.

Road Opener Oil :: 1/2 oz. glass bottle ::
OIL-HOO-ROAD :: $8.00 ........

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